cape breton transition House Association
welcome to willow house
Our workers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to advise you about your options based on your needs and assist you in developing a safety plan.
TOLL FREE: 1-800-563-2945
TEXT questions to 902-202-5596
CRISIS: 902-270-5167
CRISIS: 902-270-5536
TOLL FREE: 1-844-314-5167
You are not alone.
Serving the communities of Cape Breton and Victoria counties, Cape Breton Transition House offers a safe and supportive environment for those dealing with the physical, mental and emotional trauma caused by domestic and sexualized violence.
Cape Breton Transition House provides services that are inclusive and sensitive to the needs of all women. This includes women from all cultural, economic, social, and religious back-grounds.
Do you need help?
If you are in an abusive relationship or have left an abusive relationship, tell someone you trust and call Cape Breton Transition House. Your call is private and confidential.
Our workers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to advise you about your options based on your needs and assist you in developing a safety plan.
Toll free: 1-800-563-2945
Text questions to 902-202-5596

Physical violence encompasses any non-consensual touching and can include, slapping through to murder, and it is always accompanied by varying degrees of psychological abuse.
Psychological violence is painful and more insidious because there are no identifiable physical signs. The most common forms are verbal attacks on the woman’s character and personality, forced isolation from family and friends and accusations of sexual infidelity. This type of violence deviates from the classical definition of violence, in that it does not cause physical injury. The aim of psychological abuse is to intimidate and control the victim.
Child Abuse may be physical, sexual, or emotional, may involve neglect, or may be a combination of one or more of these kinds of abuse. (Also, refer to the Children and Family Services Act)
Family Violence is abusive or violent behaviour that occurs between or among individuals related by affection, kinship, dependency, or trust. It is fundamentally an abuse of power and betrayal of trust. Abuse can be physical, sexual, psychological/emotional or financial in nature.

CBTHA Willow House receives funding support through the fundraising efforts of the Friends of Transition House Foundation (Society). The objects of the Foundation are:
To raise money to support projects and programs of the Cape Breton Transition House Association;
To acquire money or furnishings and goods for use in the Cape Breton Transition House;
To acquire by way of grant, gift, purchase, bequest, devise, or otherwise, real and personal property and to use and apply such property to the realization of the objects of the Society.