About us
Cape Breton Transition House believes:
that family violence exists in our community;
that no woman or child should be abused physically, psychologically, sexually or economically.
that women and children have the right to live without fear.
that every woman has the right to choose how she will define her own life.
that a safe, supportive, accepting, non judgmental and structured shelter will enable women to become active agents in their own lives;
that particular attention should be paid to the needs of children exposed to family violence;
that ongoing services be provided to victims of family violence;
that efforts should be made to provide public education in our communities concerning the extent and ramifications of family violence;
that communication and cooperation between agencies concerned with family violence should be encouraged at every opportunity;
that efforts should be made to research all aspects of the problem of violence in the family.
We are committed to eliminating violence against women in Nova Scotia by:
Working collaboratively with other equality seeking organizations, and the three levels of government, to address barriers that prevent women, and their children from living free from violence and abuse.
Advocating for sufficient programming, services and funding for Transition Houses in Nova Scotia.
Increasing public awareness of Violence and Abuse in our society.
Conducting and/or participating in Feminist Participatory Research.
Providing training and networking opportunities for Boards and Staff of our Member Organizations.

Our Board
Our Board members volunteer their time to become part of a formal, governing body responsible for meeting the goals and objectives of the Association. The Board is responsible for upholding the Constitution and By-laws of the organization and for deciding the aims and objectives of the Association. The Board of Directors has the ultimate responsibility of ensuring that the Association undertakes activities consistent with its stated purpose, in an effective and financially responsible manner.
The Executive Director administers the daily operation of the Association carried out by the professional staff. Although the Board does not have direct responsibility for the operations or programming of the Association, it approves or rejects all major recommendations of the staff.
Board meetings are generally held once a month in the boardroom of the shelter, Willow House. They usually last for approximately one and a half hours and all Board members are expected to attend. Monthly reports submitted by the Executive Director and Committees are reviewed to ensure that the qualities of the services are maintained. Monthly financial reports are reviewed as well. Subcommittees and ad-hoc committees meet as required.
Positions within the Board of Directors are held for a term of three years and elections take place at the annual general meeting. Once a Board member’s term of office has expired, it may be renewed for another three years. All Board members of Cape Breton Transition House Association must be in good standing of the Association.