Programs and Services
We offer a 24/7 service with a support counsellor on call to answer question, listen and assist you in any way possible. This service is available to all persons regardless of gender identity.
Therapeutic counselling is available with a trauma informed therapist.
Counselling is available with no wait period and self referrals are accepted.
CALL 902-562-3864 EXTENSION 212

Crisis Shelter & Housing
Our Crisis Shelter can accommodate up to 20 women and children and our average stay is 6 weeks. We look each situation individually and assist the women involved in making a plan that is comfortable for them.
Women are encouraged to make decisions based on the best information and guidance we can provide them. We offer supportive counselling, referral, advocacy, and court support.
We have a number of safe, secure apartments for women and their children who continue to have safety concerns. These apartments are in the Sydney and Glace Bay area and are fully alarmed and monitored.
Support and Advocacy
Our outreach workers are a bridge that connects clients with available information, programs and resources.
Making the choice to leave an abusive relationship is the first step. Transition House Outreach helps a woman and her children access the service they need from agencies such as Legal Aid, Community Services, etc.

Children's Program
Therapeutic play
Programs for moms
Referral to complimentary services
Public Education
Raising community awareness about domestic violence is a major focus of our service. We offer workshops and presentations to community groups, organizations and clubs making sure the facts are shared and myths dispelled.
The Transition House Children and Youth Worker is available to visit schools and organizations to educate the community about the issues of:
Date abuse
Healthy relationships